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About Druidical

Druidical is a print and online Bardic Art and Literary Journal. It is devoted to honoring the breath of Awen that arises from our direct and indirect connection with the spirit, stories, and beings of the land.
In the Druid tradition, Awen means, ‘inspiration; the flowing spirit of our creative nature.’ The experience of Awen infuses us with ‘Bright Knowledge,’ which nurtures in us a spiritual 

understanding, leading to the discovery of a pathway to wholeness and relationship with the land.

​Within Druidical, we share the works of Awen that have been touched by the three drops of the cauldron. Works that guide us to the grove of the deep forest, teaches us to swim with the salmon of wisdom, shapeshifts us in to the great bear, or compels us to trance dance around the fire. Works that invite us into the myths and legends of our ancestors.


We accept works that speak to Druidry, nature, spirituality, and paganism. We accept original short format pieces of all genres for submission, whether traditional or experimental, including (but not limited to) poems, new myths, stories, fairy tales, essays, short and flash fiction, drawings, paintings, sculpture, photography, music and creative art and writing which defy conventional and traditional styles for submission.


Druidical was created to establish a venue for highlighting current and innovative works of awen within all communities and cultures which seek to re-awaken the wonder and awe of Gaia in each of us. And to acknowledge the deeper relationship which exists that guide us from exile to remembering our role in nurturing and nourishing this life affirming planet we share sanctuary with all beings. Many in the creative world and beyond yearn for community and an opportunity to be heard and witnessed. WE hope this journal provides this type of sacred space to achieve this.


Our mission is to support the Bardic lineage of the Druid tradition and the creative traditions within all cultures.


The Druidical is not directly associated with any particular Druid order, although will highlight nature-based communities who choose to be acknowledged and recognized in their contributions to this journal. You do not have to be a Druid or a member of a Druid community to contribute to this journal.


Druidical is available in both print and digital versions. 


Mary Kay Kasper
Co-Founder & Editor

Visit their podcast

"Dreaming Back to the Earth"

On Soudcloud

Mariko Middleton
Co-Founder & Editor

Mariko is an seeker, artist, writer, and student of the seen & unseen realms.

Fern Plant
Eyal Amiel

Eyal is a poet, songwriter, and student of magick through creative expression, in relationship with Nature, and through the beauty of the many exquisite realms of experience

About the Editors
Slides with Jounals
Light of wisdom pink.jpg

Purchase the Digital or Print Druidical:

Summer 2024 Animals Guides & Allies

Purchase your digital and/or print copy here!


Welcome to our submissions page and thank you for your interest in submitting your creative works to the "Druidical".


Coming soon: Special Tribute Issues "Love Letters to Dreamland"

We accept art and writing which speak to nature, the spirituality of nature, paganism, shamanism, and of course Druidry. We are looking for original poetry, art, lyrics, photography; literary or visual art form that can be printed within the specifications below.


WE are excited to welcome submissions from the diversity of passionate bards, artists, and writers both emerging and established. One of our greatest pleasures is being the first to present—in print—an emerging voice.

Here is a little more info on what we are looking for:​

relating to Druidry, Wicca, Faery tradition, nature, spirituality, or paganism...

is printable

Poetry: 2 poems per submissions

Fiction: manuscripts up to 2 pages

Flash Fiction: manuscripts up to 1,000 words

Images: 2 images of paintings, drawings, photography, sculptures, etc. in high quality jpeg format


Writing Miscellany

All submissions must be typed and prose doubled space. the author/creator's permission to freely use in the booklet and format as needed.

Writing format: We're not fussy about that since when we work with writing, we can change the font style and size if we need to. Double spacing is nice, but not necessary.

Contact info: Include that information at the top of your piece

Pen name: If you use one, you're welcome to list both your legal name and pen name, but that is not required.

With each piece we require a title.

Please provide a 3 sentence bio in short form.


Examples but not limited we accept original short format pieces of all genres for submission, including: poems, new myths, stories, fairy tales, essays, short and flash fiction, drawings, paintings, sculpture, photography, music or lyrics, and creative art and writing which defy conventional and traditional styles for submission.

We will consider work that has been previously published in other journals.

"Druidical" reserves the right to publish individual pieces first published in the online magazine, in an anthology format in the future. 

Please know that we will be reviewing submissions and will be in further contact if we select your work.


Please email your submissions to

Thank you for your understanding and supporting of this project. 




Submission Info


Reach out to the team at Druidical by filling out the form below.

Thanks for submitting!

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© 2024 Druidical

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